실천신대 사람들
Carl E. Braaten 교수
- 현직위 :
- Lutheran Theological Seminary, Chicago
- E-MAIL :
- calrEBraat@aol.com
- B. Th., Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1955
Th. D., Harvard University
- 이력
- Pastor, Lutheran Church of the Messiah, Minneapolis, MN
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois, Assistant Professor of Theology
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicaco, Professor of Systematic Theology
American Theological Society
Founding Editor of Dialog, A Journal of Theology
Executive Director, Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, Northfield, Minnesota
Co-Founder and Co-Editor of Pro Ecclesia, A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology
- 저서
- The Future of God, The Revolutionary Dynamics of Hope. New York: Harper & Row
Christ and Counter-Christ, Apocalyptic Themes in Theology and Culture. Philadelphia:
Fortress Press
Eschatology and Ethics, Essays on the Theology and Ethics of the Kingdom of God.
Minneapolis:ugsburg Publishing House
The Flaming Center, A Theology of the Christian Mission. Philadelphia: Fortress Press