“The Hermeneutics of Hospitality for Epistemic Justice.” Religions 14, no 132 (Jan 17, 2023): 1-10. (Peer-reviewed) https://doi.org/10.3390/ rel14020132
“A Call for Hospitality in Preaching Based on Lament, to Rebuild a Wounded Community.” Homiletic: The Journal of the Academy of Homiletics 47 No. 2 (Dec 1, 2022): 15-26. (Peer-reviewed) https://ejournals.library.vanderbilt.edu/index.php/homiletic/article/view/5368.
“Being Educated and Practicing Communal Lament for Co-Creating a Tradition of Memory, Resistance, and Care in Liturgy: Reconsidering the Narrative of Suffering in the Time of Violence against Women.” Religious Education 117, no. 5 (Nov 2, 2022): 401-413. (Peer-reviewed)
“The Need for Lament in Liturgy to Deal with Women’s Suffering Experience of Pregnancy Loss Based on the Image of a Lamenting God” Korean Journal of Christian Studies 125 (2022, July): 89-119. (Peer-reviewed)
“A Study on the Importance of Lament-Driven Preaching based on the Book of Lamentations,” 54, no. 2 (2022): 125-149. (Peer-reviewed); “설교에서 애통의 중요성에 관한 연구 (Lament-Driven Preaching): 예레미야애가를 중심으로,” 「장신논단」54, no. 2 (2022): 125-149.
“The Importance of Lament and the Ethical Implication of Its Practice in Preaching,” The Korea Society of Homiletics 15 (Spring, 2022): 9-36. (Peer-reviewed); “설교에서 애통의 중요성과 그 실천의 윤리적 함의,” 「설교한국」15 (2022 봄): 9-37.
“Revitalizing Foot-washing as a Rite of Hospitality for Postpartum Depression: A Study of Women’s Marginalization in Liturgy” The Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability 2, no. 1 (Spring, 2022): 14-25. (Peer-reviewed)
“A Need for Lament Leadership in Asian Immigrant Ministry” Asian American Theological Forum 8, no. 2 (2021): 12-18 (Peer-reviewed)
“Lament as Resistance and Rage: An Asian Woman Immigrant’s Reading of Psalm 137 in the Light of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes of North America” Asian American Theological Forum 8, no. 1 (2021):7-12 (Peer-reviewed)